Lose weight, ditch the diet, and learn how to build a sustainable fitness and nutrition lifestyle.

The Macro Bootcamp is a 6-week nutrition coaching & workout accountability program designed for women who want to accelerate their fat loss journey and see results.


At the end of 6 weeks you'll learn how to burn fat while eating more, calculate and adjust your own macros to achieve your fat loss goals, and develop a flexible and sustainable routine for smarter fitness training.


Are you ready to feel energized, healthy, and confident for life?


… feeling lost and overwhelmed in how to lose fat in a healthy and sustainable way?



Feeling like a complete failure when you can’t stick to anything long enough to see results?


The all-or-nothing food mentality - cutting out all sugar, alcohol, or entire food groups until it becomes too hard and you just give up completely?


Being stuck in a plateau with no clue how to continue moving forward?

Girl, I’ve been there…


Hi, I’m Ashley.

I’m a teacher turned certified macro nutritionist and personal trainer. I created Macro Bootcamp because I know how confusing weight loss can be and I wanted to provide a straightforward, research-based solution to your struggle.

10 years ago I was trapped in a cycle that was toxic and unsustainable.

I thought the only way to lose weight was to spend hours on a treadmill and eat as little as possible. Carbs were dead to me. Weightlifting - what’s that? Traveling, parties, and being in situations where food was out of my control sent me on a downward spiral. I would restrict myself from foods I love until I could no longer hold out and then emotionally eat and berate myself until it was time to start again.

I was exhausted. Stressed. Miserable. I thought about food 24/7.

It was bleak. All that work and I didn’t even like myself.

I realized I wanted more for my life - to be fit, strong, and truly healthy inside and out. I wanted to learn how to eat to stay lean without running my metabolism into the ground. I wanted to know how to eat for disease prevention and long term health. It took me years to learn this, but I’ll never turn back. Now it’s time I teach you everything I know, including the fundamentals of macro science and how to use macro nutrition and resistance training to achieve your goals.

I designed Macro Bootcamp to be your jumpstart into a healthy lifestyle and method for sustainable fat loss results.

It’s time to put an end to the struggle and start losing fat the healthy way.


… you had the knowledge & tools you need to feel energized, healthy, and confident for life.


You knew exactly what to eat to lose fat and keep it off for good.


You woke up each day feeling energized, healthy, and confident in your own skin - loving your lifestyle and the body you worked hard to build.

You didn’t have to spend hours on a treadmill or cut out entire food groups in order to get results.

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How it works:

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Nutrition Coaching

Tools for Life: You’ll receive (5) 60-minute pre-recorded nutrition lessons and detailed PDF guides packed with education on all things macros, recipes, tips for eating out, reading labels, intermittent fasting, and essential strategies for preventing plateaus and nurturing your metabolism.

Live Weekly Q&A: Each week, I'll be hosting a live Q&A support session. If you cannot make it live, you'll have the opportunity to submit questions ahead of time and watch the replay.

Community Support: Drop questions into the private Facebook group for ongoing support and chat with me each week at our live Q&A.

After 6-weeks: You'll have a solid understanding of how to use macro nutrition and resistance training to achieve your fat loss goals, and what you can continue doing long after the 6 weeks is over to keep progressing without running your metabolism into the ground.

Continued Coaching: There will also be limited spots available to continue working with me to keep making progress with lots of support and daily accountability.


A clip from your coaching call on Meal Prep, Meal Timing, Travel, and Eating Out.

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Workout Accountability

Training Program: You will have a resistance training workout program to follow along with in my fitness app. There will be video demonstrations for each exercise, a built in timer for each circuit, and a place to record your weights and reps completed. The app also connects to your MyFitnessPal account and stores your progress photos.

Building Consistency: My goal is to help you become consistent to build strength and optimize your fat loss results.

Exercise Accountability: I'll be able to see when you complete each workout and share accountability threads for you to comment on how you did and add any specific questions or needed modifications.


Real results you’ll love

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What my clients are saying


Is Macro Bootcamp right for you?


YES, if:

• You’re ready to ditch the all-or-nothing mentality and learn how to get real results without cutting out foods you love.

• You’re serious about learning the knowledge and tools you’ll need to be successful with nutrition for LIFE - on your own.

• You’re ready for a certified macro nutrition expert to guide and support you in tracking macros to lose fat the healthy and sustainable way.

• You’re looking for a more affordable alternative to private 1:1 coaching while still gaining access to the tools and resources you need to be successful.


Macro Bootcamp is NOT:

• One-on-one private coaching with Ashley.

• A meal plan that teaches you nothing about nutrition.

• A quick fix to lose weight FAST that you’ll gain back right afterward.

• A low calorie diet that will leave you hungry, lower your metabolism, and put you in a plateau as soon as 6 weeks is done with no clue how to get out of it.

• Random macro goals without explanation of what they mean, where they came from, how to calculate or adjust them on your own.

Macro Bootcamp Pricing

* If you’d like to upgrade to the VIP package please select and purchase both the BASE PROGRAM + VIP UPGRADE


Are you ready to learn:

• A flexible and sustainable way to eat and achieve your fat loss goals?

• A method that doesn’t require you to “start over” after eating a cupcake or having a glass of wine… but actually teaches you how to fit them into your lifestyle in moderation, while STILL losing fat.

• A method that doesn’t demonize food groups… but instead teaches you how to fuel your body using all types of foods with proper serving sizes so you can look and FEEL your best?

You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t ready for a change. It’s time to take the leap. I am here to guide you every step of the way and help you change your entire life.


I paid, now what?

You will receive an email from ashley@ashleykhristine.com sharing next steps and inviting you to the private Facebook community where you’ll access all starting materials and welcome video. Add me to your email contacts or check your spam/promo folders so you don’t miss my email! If you have selected upgraded coaching you will also receive access to your custom check-in documents via email.

What is the difference between Macro Bootcamp and 1:1 private coaching through Fit Life Transformation?

The differences between my 1:1 coaching program and Macro Bootcamp are:

  • Ongoing macro adjustments done for you vs. macro adjustments done BY you

  • Custom workout program vs. group training program

  • Weekly check-ins vs. no-check-ins (unless you upgrade to VIP)

  • Unlimited private access to me via Voxer messaging app vs. no Voxer access, FB group for support

  • Macro Bootcamp is 60% cheaper than 6 weeks of 1:1 coaching wth me.

Can I do this if I have never tracked macros before?

Yes! Most of my clients have never tracked macros before and are successful. I will teach you everything you need to know. You will be successful if you are committed to asking questions, using all resources, tools, coaching, and engaging in the group for accountability.


Can I do this if I am paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, vegetarian, or have other allergies or dietary restrictions?

Yes. The beauty of macros is that it’s flexible, there are no restrictions, and it works no matter your food preferences. You will learn how to lose weight by eating all different types of food.

Do I have to work out to see results?

No, but you will have much better results that last longer if you commit to working out and learning how to build muscle. Muscle increases your metabolism and bone density and helps you stay lean. This is increasingly important as we age, and it’s never too late to start a resistance training routine. I will teach you how to gradually incorporate exercise into your routine and provide modifications as needed. You will receive video exercise demonstrations for every movement so you feel confident working out even if it’s your first time!

Can I do this if I am breastfeeding?

Yes! I always recommend getting clearance from your physician, but I can provide you information on macro calculations for breastfeeding upon request.

Can I sign up for 1:1 coaching after Macro Bootcamp is over to continue making progress and receiving accountability?

Absolutely, as long as coaching spots are open. Email me at ashley@ashleykhristine.com if you are interested in applying for 1:1 coaching.